Wreckers of the landscape

The EU has ruined the west’s environment. Now it’s moving east

On environmental matters, most of us believe, the European Union is a progressive force. We think of it as an environmental version of the international court of justice, a place of appeal where higher standards of protection are applied. Yet the EU is also implicated in some of Europe’s worse acts of environmental vandalism, in pristine areas of eastern Europe as well as the west.

Full article: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jul/29/eu.politics

Teacher abuse

Hard-pressed schools should be helped to detect ill-treatment of children, not punished for failing to report it

It’s easy to understand why politicians wanted action in the wake of Lauren Wright’s death. The six year old was, in effect, tortured by her stepmother and finally killed without her suffering being recognised.

Full article: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2002/jul/02/schools.uk4