A tree is not just for Christmas

Our annual celebration of Nordic non-drops is a cause for hope

Shopping at this time of year is enough to bring out the bah-humbug in anyone. Those mountains of useless expensive stuff encapsulate what’s gone awry in our attitude to the planet’s resources. Yet amid this disregard for nature is one puzzling note. Carted home in gas-guzzling SUVs, swathed in energy-profligate lights, and presiding over heaps of gift-wrapped plastic, the presence of the Christmas tree raises a doubt. Is there, after all, a little place in our hearts that still cherishes the nature we so readily destroy elsewhere?

Full article: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2004/dec/18/environment.comment

Sperm does not a father make

David Blunkett should remember that social fatherhood, rather than a biological link, is crucial for a child

David Blunkett’s affair should stand as a warning. Not just against adulterous affairs. Not even against going to Spectator parties. Mainly it should warn against giving far too much importance to the rights of “biological” fathers. There is no better antidote to the contemporary myth – so beloved by Fathers4Justice – that biological parents should always have contact with their child than seeing the havoc such claims can cause.

Full article: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2004/dec/07/uk.comment