Looking After Mother 13

Often when I arrive at my mother’s these days, the front door is on the latch. If I ring her in advance to let her know I’m coming, she goes straight to the door and opens it, even if I don’t intend to arrive for a couple of hours. But it’s not unusual for her to leave the door open anyway, a habit from more trusting times. On this occasion on my way back from work, I walk straight in and call out loudly. There’s no reply and I find her sound asleep in front of the television. All the windows and balcony door are also wide open. Good job there aren’t many psychos around.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/jul/21/familyandrelationships.family7

Looking After Mother 12

Mum is spending the day with us while we de-clutter before moving house. It’s a bit risky as she really hates change. Every time she sees the for sale sign she becomes agitated. “Oh!” she cries. “You’re not moving are you? Whatever for?” She is only a little bit mollified every time I answer that we will be a little bit nearer her.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/jul/07/familyandrelationships.family4