Looking After Mother 7

My mother’s teeth are still missing and so, now, is the television remote control. These are both pretty crucial parts of her life these days – the teeth for fairly obvious reasons, the remote because the TV is vital for companionship and, without it, she can’t change channels. We are feeling pessimistic about ever finding these items as they have been gone much longer than usual and everything is pointing to them having been thrown out in a heap of papers.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/apr/28/familyandrelationships.family3

Looking After Mother 6

The working day has run on longer than planned and I find myself still at work at 8pm. I’d been meaning to visit my mother all day, either popping out at lunchtime or on the way home. Now it’s so late I’m in two minds. Perhaps she will have gone to bed already. I’d better ring her first.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/apr/14/familyandrelationships.family8