Looking After Mother

The moment of truth has come. How will my mother react to the new house? When I had first mentioned moving she had become extremely alarmed: “What do you want to move for? The only way anyone will get me out of my place is feet first.” Her agitation made me agitated. And during our period of exile, the five weeks between selling the old house and getting the new house, she’s been very confused. “How will I ever find you?” she said plaintively.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/sep/22/familyandrelationships.family9

Looking After Mother

I arrive at my mother’s in the afternoon and find her sitting quietly. The television is off and there are a row of mugs along the windowsill. I take a sniff at one and it’s not tea. “I don’t know why I’m sitting here thinking about Auntie Annie,” she says, “but I’m just thinking it all over about when I was young. I’m really deep into it.” She’s sitting with one of those “Your Memories” albums, which she had been given several years ago.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/sep/08/familyandrelationships.family10